Submit a Session

Here's what you need to know before submitting a session:

  • If you need your session accepted early (because of travel arrangements or other), please let us know.
  • We'll have rolling session acceptance (meaning we'll accept some early at certain times). So, the earlier you submit, the better your chances!
  • General sessions are 45 minutes and may include 10-15 minutes for audience Q+A.
  • Session proposal deadline is December 19, 2023.
  • We're planning on recording all of the sessions.
  • All speakers (and attendees) are required to abide by our Code of Conduct.

    In our pre-survey of potential attendees, the following topics were the most popular topics specifically requested:

    • Local development environments
    • Composer
    • Git
    • Developer/team workflows and DevOps.
    • Module development
    • PHP
    • Security
    • Accessibility
    • AWS and other cloud services

    We love session submissions on topics other than Drupal including

    • JavaScript frameworks (React, Vue, Angular, et al)
    • Other CMS’s differences with Drupal (WP, Craft, etc)
    • Integrations with Drupal
    • Case studies on using Drupal
    • General Web topics and technologies (free software, CSS, etc)
    • Business related topics
    • SysAdmin / DevOps (Containers, etc)
    • Being Human (Imposter Syndrome, overcoming adversity, inclusion, etc)


Please also read the Speaker Information page.

If you're new to speaking or are a bit nervous, contact us! We can set you up with a mentor to help you out!

Submit Session

Florida DrupalCamp 2025

Save the date! Florida DrupalCamp 2025 will be in person February 21-23 in Orlando College at the Florida Technical College. 3 days of training, sessions, contributions and social events.

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