Ana Laura Coto

Web Developer at Cellar Door

Houston, TX

Tech savvy girl with 16 years experience in digital communications from animation to web developer. Meet Drupal 10 years ago when started to work for a company on a digital transformation process. There we need to migrate the website from a proprietary system to a more modern tool and we decided to use Drupal7.

Crossing the path from Digital Designer to Drupal Developer I found that the tools and skills that I cultivated in the way are a key for the successfulness of our projects. Skills like teamwork, communication, issue analysis, and problem solving can be difference for success. In the end the most important are the human skills that you learn and how you manage to make the best of your work.

Florida DrupalCamp 2025

Save the date! Florida DrupalCamp 2025 will be in person February 21-23 in Orlando College at the Florida Technical College. 3 days of training, sessions, contributions and social events.

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